Monday, June 9, 2014


Setiap orang yang add aku sebagai kawan
Aku accept tanpa ada sebarang tapisan
Sama ada lelaki atau perempuan
atau jadi-jadian
Semuanya aku layan
Memang lumrah aku suka berkawan....

Namun di sebalik keterbukaan
mesti ada batasan
supaya nanti tak keterlaluan
Meminta yang bukan-bukan...

Dalam kita berkawan
Jangan ada yang mengambil kesempatan
Menaruh hati dan harapan
Menanyakan pelbagai soalan
yang aku sendiri tak ada jawapan!
Bukan jual mahal...tapi dah ini pegangan
nak buat macam mana kan?

Kadang-kadang aku hairan
pada manusia yang terlalu menekan
nak kan kepastian
sama ada berstatus sendirian
atau sudah tunangan...

Bukan cara aku nak sebar-sebarkan
soal siapa aku punya pasangan
Bagiku jodoh ketentuan
segalanya di tangan Tuhan
Hanya takdir yang menentukan...
Siapa kita nak melawan?

Pertanyaan yang tiada jawapan
Anggaplah bertepuk sebelah tangan
Jangan ada dendan yang tersimpan
atau kesumat yang tak berkesudahan
Kita hamba yang penuh kehinaan
Tak baik bermusuhan...

Aku hanyalah insan
Yang penuh kiasan
Tak terdaya mengatakan YA atau BUKAN
Entahlah...mungkin itu kelemahan...

Sekian saja luahan
Satu coretan bingkisan
Lama terpendam untuk dimuntahkan
Namun tiada kesempatan...

Syukur ya Tuhan
Kepadamu ku serahkan
Moga diri ini dalam dakapan

Monday, June 2, 2014



Diceritakan ada sepasang orang tua yang baru lepas bersara, Mak Timah dan Pak Hasan. Mereka dahulunya bekerja makan gaji dan kini baru bersara. Maklumlah bila bersara ni dapat duit EPF yang dahulunya mereka mencarum. Ada la lebih kurang dalam ratusan ribu ringgit.

Mereka juga mempunyai 3 orang anak, kesemuanya sudah dewasa dan sudah bekerja. Kiranya anak mereka ni semuanya panda-pandai belaka. Mak Timah dan Pak Hasan ni mempunyai sikap yang kurang baik. Mereka terlalu kedekut dan berkira soal perbelanjaan. Mungkin mereka pernah merasa susah sewaktu membesarkan kesemua anak-anak mereka. 

Suatu hari, anak sulung mereka Zamri berkata, "Ayah dan mak tak nak ke pergi bercuti, rehat-rehatkan badan penat bekerja dulu."
"Eh, membazir duit je jalan-jalan....baik simpan duit tu," kata Pak Hasan.
"Buat apa mak dan ayah nak simpan duit tu, kami semua dah besar-besar dan tak perlu ditanggung lagi," kata Zamri.
"Tapi sayanglah...bukan senang nak dapat duit. Kami pernah merasa betapa susahnya cari duit. Baik duit yang ada disimpan kan lebih baik," sampuk Mak Timah.
"Kalau mak dan ayah sayang sangat duit tu, tak apa la biar Zamri yang tanggung percutian mak dan ayah. Nanti Zamri tempah percutian yang best-best untuk mak ayah," balas Zamri.

Selang beberapa hari, Zamri dengan seronoknya menghadiahkan pada mak ayahnya pakej percutian mengelilingi negara Eropah menggunakan cruise...belayar di lautan. Harga keseluruhannya lebih kurang RM30K demi sayangkan mak ayahnya.

Masa yang dinantikan telah pun tiba, mak ayah Zamri pun pergilah bercuti. Kali pertama mereka naik cruise mereka rasa terpegun dan seronoknya tak terkata. Dalam kapal tersebut ada banyak keseronokan yang disediakan. Ada kolam renang, gymnasium, restoran mewah, tempat karaoke, spa dan semuanya bertaraf lima bintang ditambah pula setiap malam dapat berehat menikmati suasana laut dan angin meniup sepoi-sepoi bahasa.Memang menakjubkan!

Tetapi Mak Timah dan Pak Hasan ni tetap dengan perangai mereka. Ketika waktu makan, orang ramai berpusu-pusu ke restoran mewah menikmati hidangan lazat, mereka hanya makan dalam bilik dengan menikmati mi segera yang mereka bawa dari rumah.

Setiap hari suasana di atas kapal sangat meriah dengan orang berseronok dan menikmati percutian tetapi mereka hanya berkurung dalam bilik, tidak bergaul dengan orang lain.

Tiba masanya, kapal mendarat setelah hampir 15 hari belayar di lautan. Pegawai yang bertugas di atas kapal tersebut mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada para penumpang kapal sambil melambai-lambai tangan di muka pintu kapal.

Sewaktu Mak Timah dan Pak Hasan menuju keluar di muka pintu kapal, pegawai tersebut menyapa mereka.
"Hai Makcik Pakcik, kenapa saya jarang nampak anda semasa pelayaran? Sewaktu makan pun saya tak nampak. Kemana anda pergi?" tanya pegawai tersebut.
"Maklumlah, kami nak berjimat cermat, kami makan mi segera je dalam bilik. Mana mampu makan di restoran mewah tu," jawab Pak Hasan.
"Aduh makcik, pakcik......sebenarnya segala kemudahan, kemewahan dan makan minum sepanjang kita belayar 15 hari, makcik pakcik dah siap bayar!!"

Makcik Timah dan Pak Hasan merenung sesama sendiri......

p/s : Moral cerita ini ialah, sesekali kita jangan berkira dengan diri sendiri. Kadangkala kita perlu juga menghargai diri kita. Kita perlu dulu sayangkan diri kita dari orang lain.
Kita selalu bagi diskaun pada diri kita dan jual diri terlalu murah. 

Bekerja lebih rajin, usaha lebih gigih. Purata manusia diskaun diri ialah 1/4. Jika kita rasakan usaha kita dah cukup kuat dan pencapaian kita dah cukup baik, maka perlu ingat sebenarnya kita boleh pergi 4 kali ganda lebih hebat dari kita yang sekarang.

Jadi, jangan diskaun diri, tapi serlahkan kehabatan diri di samping hargai diri sendiri.

Kalau kita tak sayangkan diri sendiri, jangan harap orang lain akan sayangkan kita.


Orang terkaya no.4  di dunia tahun 2013, Warren Buffet memberi nasihat :

"Jauhkan dirimu daripada pinjaman bank atau kad kredit dan lakukan pelaburan dengan apa yang kau miliki, serta ingat" :

1. Wang tidak menciptakan manusia, manusialah yang menciptakan wang

2. Hiduplah sederhana sebagaimana dirimu sendiri

3. Jangan melakukan apapun yang dikatakan orang, dengarkan mereka, tapi lakukan apa yang baik saja

4. Pakailah yang benar nyaman untukmu

5. Jangan habiskan wang untuk hal-hal yang tidak benar-benar penting

6. With money :

You can buy a house but not a home
You can buy a bed but not sleep
You can buy a book but not knowledge
You can get a position but not respect
You can buy blood but not life
So find your happiness inside you

7. Jika itu telah berhasil dalam hidupmu, berbagilah dan ajarkanlah pada orang lain

"Orang yang berbahagia bukanlah orang yang hebat dalam segala hal, tapi orang yang mampu menemukan hal sederhana dalam hidupnya dan mengucap syukur"

Semoga kita menjadi orang yang berkelimpahan. Berlimpah iman, ilmu, amal, harta dan manfaat.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Once you know your life purpose, determine your vision, and clarify what your true needs and desires are, you have to convert them into specific, measurable goals and objectives and then act on them with the certainty that you will achieve them.

Experts on the science of success know the brain is a goal-seeking organism. Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work night and day to achieve.

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts,
liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

How Much, By When?

Be as specific as possible with all aspects of your goals - include the make, model, color, year, and features..the size, weight, shape and form and any other details. Remember, vagure goals produce vague results.

A Goal Versus A Good Idea

When there are no criteria for measurement, it is simply something you want, a wish, a preference, a good idea. To engage your subconscious mind, a goal or objective has to be measurable. Here are a few examples to give you more clarity :

I want to lose weight >>> I will weigh 185 pounds by 5pm, January 1, 2015.

I need to treat my employees better >>> I will acknowledge a minimum of six employees for their contribution to the department by 5pm this Friday.

Write It Out In Detail

One of the best ways to get clarity and specificity on your goals is to write them out in detail, as if you were writing specifications for a work order. Think of it as a request to God or to the universal mind. Include every possible detail.

You Need Goals That Stretch You

When you create your goals, be sure to write down some big ones that will stretch you. It pays to have goals that will require you to grow to achive them. It's a good thing to have some goals that make you a little uncomfortable. Why? Because the ultimate goal, in addition to achieving your material goals, is to become a master at life. And to do this, you will need to learn new skills, expand your vision of what's possible, build new relationships, and learn to overcome your fears, considerations, and roadblocks.

Create A Breakthrough Goal

In addition to turning every aspect o your vision into a measurable goal, and all the quarterly and weekly and daily goals that you routinely set, a breakthrough goal is also important that would represent a quantum leap for you and your career. They include things such as losing 60 pounds, writing a book, publishing an article, creating a killer website, getting your master's or doctoral degree etc.

Reread Your Goals Three Times A Day

Once you've written down all your goals, both large and small, the next step on your journey to success is to activate the creative powers of your subconscious mind by reviewing your list two or three times every day.

Take time to read your list if goals. Read the list (out loud with passion and enthusiasm if you are in an appropriate place) one goal at a time. Close our eyes and picture each goal as if it were already accomplished. Take a few more seconds to feel what you would feel if you had already accomplished each goal.

By constantly repeating and visualising your goal as already achieved, you will be increasing this structural tension in your brain. This will increase your motivation, stimulate your creativity, and heighten your awareness of resources that can help you achieve your goal.

Create A Goals Book

Another powerful way to speed up the achievement of your goals is to create a Goals Book. Write the goal at the top of the page and then illustrate it with pictures, words, and phrases that you cut out of magazines that depict your goal as already achieved. As new goals and desires emerge, simply add them to your list and your Goals Book. Review the pages of your Goals Book every day.

One Goal Is Not Enough

If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a
burning desireto do things- you don't have enough goals.

Considerations, Fears, And Roadblocks

It's important to understand that as soon as you set a goal, three things are going to emerge that stop most people but not you. If you know that these three things are part of the process, then you can treat them as what they are just things to handle rather than letting them stop you.

As soon as you want to double your income next year, within moments considerations such as I'll have to work twice as hard or I won't have time for my family or my wife's going to kill me begin to emerge. 

But surfacing these considerations is a good thing. They are how you have been subconsciously stopping yourself all along. Now that you have brought them into conscious awareness, you can deal with them, confront them, and move past them.

Fears, on the other hand, are feelings. You may experience a fear of rejection, a fear of failure, or a fear of making a fool of yourself. You might be afraid that you will lose all the money you have already saved. These fears are not unusual. They are just part of the process.

Finally, you'll become aware of roadblocks. These are purely external circumstances - well beyond just thoughts and feelings in your head. A roadblock may be that nobody wants to join you on your project. A roadblock might be  that you don't have all the money you need to move forward. Perhaps you need other investors. Roadblocks might be that your state or national government has rules or laws that prohibit what you want to do. Maybe you need to petition the government to change the rules.



Long time did not write anything in this blog since I was quite busy....but alhamdulillah I can continue blogging. It's 3.27am...since I just wake up from a short sleep, I'm gonna share with you the next Success Principle - Become An Inverse Paranoid. I like the word, Paranoid! It's new to me!

But before that, those who left the previous entries, you may read the entries first by Click HERE and also HERE.

Every negative event contains within it the seed
of an equal or greater benefit.

When anything "bad" happens to you, always remember that everything that ever happens to you has within it the seed of something better. Look for the upside rather than the downside. Ask yourself, "Where's the greater benefit in this event?"

Look for the opportunity in everything. If you take the approach that "good" is not an accident, that everyone and everything that shows up in your life is there for a reason and that the universe is moving you toward your ultimate destiny for learning, growth, and achievement, you'll begin to see every event, no matter how difficult or challenging as achance for enrichment and advancement in your life.

Make a small sign or poster with the words : What's the opportunity that this is? and put it on your desk or above your computer, so you will be canstantly reminded to look for the good in every event.

You might also want to start each day by repeating the phrase, " I believe the world is plotting to do me good today. I can't wait to see what it is." And then look for the opportunities and the miracles.